Carrog War Memorial

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Carrog war memorial

The War Memorial’s stood on this site,
For more than eighty years.
People have regularly shown their respect,
And maybe sometimes in tears.

To remember those who gave their all
In such an unselfish way,
So that you and I could live our lives
Enjoying our freedom each day.

It stands in the heart of the village,
On the road between chapel and church,
Its been there for years, a statement of fact,
A mark of respect from us all.

There’s been a proposal to move it,
Away from its place of rest,
Why we don’t know, it remains to be seen,
Any reason must be for the best!

Progress is fine and part of our lives,
The environment’s constantly changing.
Our heritage too is part of our lives
Times are not always for changing!

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The Memorial is under threat from a development,
we need to save it on its present site!

If any reader has experience of a similar situation, or helpful advice
please use the e-mail link on the “Contact” page.

All sensible suggestions welcome!